Description of the Assembly

The truthful one from the family of Muhammad has said that the Shia must live by the example of Karbala before their reappearance. Therefore, by the will of God, we will spread the message of the martyrdom of the infant son of the Prophet to the whole world and raise his blood-stained shirt as a sign of the coming of the Mahdi. We will also voice the injustice done to the son of the Prophet in every corner of the world and prepare for another call for vengeance and the establishment of the Ashura research movement to make Karbala universal. Thus, by the grace of God, after marking the first Friday of Muharram as the global day of Ali al-Asghar (peace be upon him) in Shia history and organizing more than 7,500 conferences in Iran and 45 other countries, the global shrine of Ali al-Asghar (peace be upon him) is hosting:

The International Assembly of Shia Pulpit Elites

The Sacred Shirt of the Lord of Martyrs (peace be upon him), the Banner of the Mahdi's Revolution (may God hasten his relief)

This assembly will take place at the same time as the martyrdom of Imam Hadi (peace be upon him) on the 5th of Bahman (January 25th) at the holy shrine of Imam Reza (peace be upon him) in the Quds Hall from 8:30 to 11:30 AM.


Research survey

سلام علیکم

با توجه به حضور شما شرکت کننده عزیز در اجلاس بین المللی نخبگان منابر شیعه در مشهد و قم ، لطفا پرسش ذيل را پاسخ دهید.

فرم نظرسنجی